Achieving impact
online workshop series

In February and March 2024, our Achieving Impact Online Workshop Series was a hit with educators across Australia. The good news is we will be running more online workshops in 2024, so register your interest today to be in the know. So what is the Achieving Impact workshop series about...

Are you interested in exploring how to help your students unlock their passions to connect with education and career choices, engage in skill building and show them how to create meaningful change on issues that matter? Then come along to the Prince’s Trust Australia Achieving Impact online workshops.

Achieving Impact is designed by educators for educators. Workshop content is aimed at educators who interact with young people between the ages of 13 and 18. Attend one, two or all three workshops.

BONUS: Attend all three workshops to earn a professional micro-credential for teaching with the Achieve learning framework. Plus, we mentioned it's free right!?

Previous Workshops Included:

Identity Ignition
Workshop one was called ‘Identity Ignition’ and was been designed to help educators assist young people to explore their strengths and develop a deeper understanding of their passions. The workshop featured guest speakers that introduced participants to student self-assessment tools and resources that can be used in the classroom. Participants left the workshop with a deeper understanding of effective practices and exercises that their students can use in self-reflection to uncover their strengths, passions and career identities.

Enterprising Futures
Workshop two features our special guest, Bev Laing, an education curriculum expert. Bev shared insights on how to integrate enterprise skills into curriculum delivery. It is no secret that young people need to have enterprise skills as they embark on their educational and career journeys. With that in mind, this workshop was designed to immerse participants into activities for young people to gain experience in skill development and provide an understanding of why these activities are effective. The workshop also discussed the application of essential enterprise skills across career clusters and provided an opportunity to collaborate on ideas that can be used back in the classroom immediately.

Real World Impact
Workshop three
promoted student engagement through real-world experiences is a powerful way to make learning relevant and meaningful. This workshop also explored practical ways for educators to design real-world experiences into the current curriculum which promotes student engagement. Participants gained insights from our guest speakers who shared invaluable advice and ideas for ways educators can connect students to opportunities that create a real-world impact. This workshop was designed to explore ideas for practical strategies that promote student engagement, deepen learning and prepare young people for the new world of work.

These workshops were run in February and March 2024 and are indicative of the type of content in our programmes. Our future Achieving Impact workshop programmes may vary. Register your interest to stay up to date on Achieving impact news.


What is in it for you and your students?


Each workshop counts for two hours of professional development with your local registration board/authority.
If you attend the series, we will give you a credential to certify your awesomeness too!  
Access to new resources 

Immediate access to a resource bank of over 100 materials ready to use. Our resources are designed for skill building with real-world examples of creativity, ingenuity, and adaptability that young people can apply in their lives.  
Build enterprise skills 

The Achieve learning framework was created around internationally recognised essential Enterprise Skills.
Research indicates that the development and capability of these skills help young people to survive and thrive in the rapidly changing world of work.  
Implement immediately

Integrate the Achieve learning framework, self-assessment activities, and enterprise skills resources into your lesson plans immediately.
Grounded in research

Our Achieve learning framework is grounded in the latest research and best practice learning science. The framework underpins all of our programs and has been designed to set young people up for success.
Build on existing curricula

Refine and adapt existing curricula to incorporate the Achieve learning framework to ensure students are well-prepared for future career and education opportunities.   
Connect with new opportunities

Establish connections with guest speakers and organisations, opening doors for student opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations beyond the workshops. 
Career guidance   

Many students are unsure about their career paths. The Achieve learning framework helps them explore their interests, skills, and values to identify suitable career options and make informed decisions that maximise their potential. 
Student agency  

Young people feel empowered when they have an active role in making choices and decisions that shape their learning, wellbeing and experience of school. By implementing the Achieve learning framework you will offer students the opportunity to dive into self-reflection and what that means for them, try on career identities, and discover how to live a life of passion! 
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